About the Spark Guide

The Spark Guide is a companion and resource for early childhood educators and program leaders.

Small boy looking happily at the camera surrounded by colourful shapes

Who is the Spark Guide for?

This guide is for Alberta educators and program leaders who work in or support diverse early learning and child care programs, including:

  • Family day homes
  • Daycare centres
  • Preschools
  • Kindergarten classrooms
  • Others who care for children in licensed programs
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What’s in the guide?

It has important information and practical strategies for educators and program leaders.

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Section 1: Introduction

Overview of the guide and principles of culturally responsive child care

Get familiar with the guide, what culturally responsive child care is, and the guiding principles that you can apply to your practice.

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Section 2: Strategies

Strategies to strengthen skills and grow your day-to-day practice

Learn about reflective practice, engaging families, routines, physical spaces and materials, and organizational foundations, why these strategies matter, and how to build your skills in the area. Find practical tools and tips for educators and program leaders. Begin with any of the five strategies and make them your own.

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Section 3: Context

Background and foundations for culturally responsive child care

Gain an understanding of the background for the Spark Guide. Discover policies that can support culturally responsive child care across the province.

Watch our launch event

This virtual event was for early childhood educators and program leaders looking to strengthen culturally responsive practices in their programs. The event featured a panel discussion with experts from Alberta who were essential in developing the Spark Guide.

Who created the guide?

A team from PolicyWise for Children & Families created the Spark Guide with valuable support from project advisors and sponsors.

PolicyWise is an Alberta-based non-profit and charitable organization committed to informing, identifying, and promoting effective social policy and practice to improve the well-being of children, youth, and families.

Partners & Collaborators
Spark team hands coming together in a high five

Get started with the Spark Guide

Download the guide to start your journey. You can help children in Alberta feel more confident in who they are by strengthening culturally responsive child care in programs across the province.

Little boy in a striped shirt smiling with colourful shapes all around him on a yellow background